We Help to Re-establish Native Species.

Wildlife Conservation Actions

FIAA believes that preserving and increasing biodiversity, safeguarding habitats and the health of our wildlife, will help to insure a healthier future for all life on our planet.

FIAA is committed to helping wildlife sanctuaries in various key regions of the planet, collaborating on development and strategies, focusing on conservation, rescue and reinsertion of threatened species in protected natural habitats, helping to increase population numbers and re-establish native species.

Action for Cheetahs Kenya

ACK, based in Meibae Conservancy and Nairobi, directed by Mary Wykstra and managed by Cosmas Wambua, promotes the conservation of cheetah in Kenya through research, awareness and community participation. ACK works closely with local authorities, communities and land holders to develop policies and programs which support wildlife conservation and human livelihoods for the longterm development of sustainable human and wildlife zones. ACK’s scat detection dog team is protecting cheetah with non-invasive techniques and providing research and National Survey teams with piles of data! ACK is a not for-profit project working in affiliation with: Cheetah Conservation Fund, Kenya Wildlife Service, and the University of Nairobi.

FIAA supports ACK not only specifically in cheetah protection and research, but also in “Ginger’s Hope”, their vaccination, health and sterilization campaign for domestic animals whose diseases can transmit to wildlife.

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Armadillos de Chile

Armadillos of Chile is a multidisciplinary organization based in Santiago de Chile committed to research and educational projects related to conserving the three species of armadillos in Chile. Mainly composed of young women, this group works hard through exhibitions, fairs, talks and field research, raising awareness in local communities about armadillos, the only species of Xenarthrans in Chile, and creating the first guide to identifying those three species of armadillos:

Quirquincho de la Puna (Chaetophractus vellerosus)
Piche Patagonico (Zaedyus pichiy)
Quirquincho Peludo (Chaetophractus villosus)

FIAA has supported Armadillos of Chile by building the first rehabilitation enclosure in Chile especially constructed to house rescued armadillos, through educational materials for exhibitions and fairs, and by disseminating information and grants to participate in the First Congress of Xenarthras.

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Association Mata Ciliar

Association Mata Ciliar in Sao Paolo, with almost 30 years of outstanding work in conservation of Brazilian natural resources and jungle habitat, and rescue, rehabilitation and release of wild and confiscated animals, this is an exceptional non-profit organization. FIAA is helping them in the renovation and construction of a number of animal enclosures and veterinary clinic and research center. They also do important work in reforestation, water management and conservation, and develop exciting environmental education initiatives.

FIAA recognizes and supports the tireless work of Dr. Cristina Harumi Adania and Ing. Jorge Bellix de Campos in their leadership of this group and their goals.

FIAA is proud to say that we were the first international group to visit and recognize the extraordinary work of AMC. Our support over the years has included renovation, creation and enlargement of enclosures for different species, nursery renovation and reforestation of degraded areas, production of educational materials for different campaigns (conservation of biodiversity, maned wolf protection), construction and expansion of the Jaguarete Center, maximizing attention for wildlife arriving at the CRAS (Center for Rehabilitation of Wildlife). FIAA also has supported campaigns to relocate confiscated wildlife from Sao Paulo to their native state in Brazil.

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Centro de Conservacion de Manaties del Caribe

Directed by la Red Caribeña de Varamientos and the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, dedicated to the conservation of endangered manatees through programs of rescue and response to strandings, rehabilitation and veterinary care, social research and community outreach in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.

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Cheetah Outreach Trust

COT is an organization based in Cape Town, South Africa, whose primary goal is the conservation and co-existence of free roaming cheetah and local human populations. Working with local ranching communities in these areas, COT has developed initiatives that reduce and manage the human-wildlife conflict between farmers and cheetah, especially through a program pairing guardian Anatolian shepherd dogs with domestic herds. They monitor cheetah movement and health, sometimes rescuing and relocating cheetah to safer areas, performing emergency veterinary procedures if necessary. In addition, the Trust has a well regarded curriculum-linked educational program operating at the Cheetah Outreach facility in the Cape Town area and works with academic institutions locally as well as internationally to initiate research projects focused on the conservation of cheetah on farmland areas in South Africa.

FIAA is an enthusiastic supporter of COT’s Livestock Guardian Dog project, because this initiative puts the conservation of cheetah on another level, understanding that farmers can participate in a program of wildlife conservation that respects the ranchers’ point of view, thereby gaining new conservationists.

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Ewaso Lions

Ewaso Lions is a non-profit organization dedicated to conserving lions and other large carnivores by promoting coexistence between people and wildlife. An independent 100% African wildlife conservation organization founded by Dr. Shivani Bhalla and based in Samburu, Isiolo and Nairobi, Kenya, Ewaso Lions engages and builds the capacity of key demographic groups (elders, warriors, women, and children) by developing approaches to reduce human carnivore conflict. They conduct applied research and work with local communities to address ecological problems, and they develop educational initiatives to reinforce traditionally held beliefs and the evolving culture of wildlife conservation across the landscape. This group has transformed Samburu Warriors into wildlife protectors and Mama Simbas into major conservation influencers for their communities.

FIAA supports and advises this exemplary organization and is one of the key partners of their Kura’s Pride campaign and Community Animal Health Initiative: Ramat Eldein O Suom Pooki

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Foundation Action Fauna

Foundation Action Fauna, created in 2019 and based in Cajon del Maipo, Santiago, Chile, directed by President Kendra Ivelic Astorga, biologist, is dedicated to conservation of Chilean wildlife, developing educational programs, projects of wild animal rescue, rehabilitation and release, projects of re-wilding in protected areas, and monitoring wildlife in natural habitats non-invasively with camera traps.

Action Fauna represents Refugio Animal Cascada, created in 2003, which has rescued, rehabilitated, cared for and liberated native fauna from diverse regions of Chile, animals such as: pumas, condors, birds of prey, vultures, chilean parrots, foxes, wild cats, passerine birds (songbirds and other). They are developing a special sanctuary for non-releasable native wildlife with a small natural history museum and an education center to motivate the conservation and protection of wild species in their natural habitat.

FIAA has collaborated with Action Fauna Foundation and Refugio Animal Cascada to upgrade the rehabilitation center and clinic and create enclosures for new species. FIAA is also helping to build an educational center within the sanctuary for animals that cannot return to the wild, providing the enrichment necessary to live a good life in captivity.

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Foundation for Wildlife Namku

Created in 2014 by Dr. Eduardo Hernandez A. and Dr. Pablo Salah J., based in the Parque Ecologico La Isla, part of the important coastal wetlands of the delta of the Aconcagua River of Concon in central Chile, Ñamku Wildlife Foundation focuses on rescue, rehabilitation and release of Chilean wildlife primarily affected by human activity. Furthermore, Ñamku engages in environmental educational programs directed to the community, working with schools and universities as well as public and private enterprises.

A multidisciplinary team of veterinarians, scientists and students, Namku has received and cared for birds affected by ocean oil spills, condors victimized by human toxins, and eagles, owls, falcons, birds of prey, foxes, marine mammals such as sea lions, penguins, and otters and many other species in need of emergency care.

FIAA’s partnership with Namku has been an important example of collaboration in conservation, creating a model for other organizations working to save wildlife and biodiversity. FIAA has donated the construction of enclosures for specific rehabilitation processes such as: the first rehabilitation facility for armadillos in Chile, the largest complex for raptors and vultures in Chile, penguin, sea birds and fox enclosures, and an emergency clinic for primary attention of wildlife—the only clinic for wildlife in the V Region of Chile.

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Fundacion Lontra

Dedicated to restoring habitat and repopulating coastal Chile with native sea otters known as chungungos (Lontra felina), reconnecting native genetic lines through programs of research and monitoring, educating and involving the community, directing proposals to diminish threats on the species. With the support of FIAA created the first and only center for otter rehabilitation and rewilding in Chile.

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Fundacion Mallines

Non-governmental organization in the Ñuble Region of southern Chile whose mission is to preserve the population of huemules and the wildlife and ecosystem of that region, including forests, rivers and mountains, and to establish a biological corridor.

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Fundacion Ñankulafken

Non-profit organization promoting through scientific research, environmental education and nature tourism, the conservation of raptors and their habitats and community awareness of raptors’ role in maintaining biodiversity.

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Fundacion Omacha

Creating strategies to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems and the protection and research of aquatic and terrestrial species. Working in Colombia, South America and other countries globally by collaborating with local communities, sectors of production and governments with the aim of creating a more resilient and healthy planet.

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Grevy’s Zebra Trust

Established in January 2007 to address the urgent need to conserve Grevy’s Zebra in the community rangelands of Kenya and Ethiopia, GZT is an independent wildlife conservation trust registered in Kenya and the only organization that is 100% dedicated towards saving the endangered Grevy’s zebra. Every year their team conducts an important census rally to collect scientific data regarding this very special species. A model for the future of wildlife conservation, GZT’s diverse programs include scholarships, scouts and warriors, outreach ambassadors, economic opportunities for women, and rangeland conservation and infrastructure projects. GZT’s commitment to the empowerment of Samburu communities, such as with the Nkirreten project for women and girls, strengthens the involvement and commitment of local communities to the protection of wildlife.

FIAA supports GZT’s community initiatives, their important grassland restoration program, and also provides emergency drought relief for the Grevy’s Zebras.

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International Otter Survival Fund (IOSF)

Dedicated to the conservation, protection and care of otters based on years of scientific research in the UK and around the world. Through education, research, influencing policy and partner working, helping to secure a better future for otters around the world.

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IUCN SSC Anteater, Sloth & Armadillo Specialist Group

This organization, dedicated to research and conservation of Xenarthans in the Americas, whose Chair, Dr. Mariella Superina is based in Mendoza, Argentina, is a network of mammalogists and conservationists who work to understand and protect sloths, anteaters and armadillos. The ASASG is one of over 140 Specialist Groups organized within the framework of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, an international alliance of conservationists that produces the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and a sweeping range of other conservation initiatives. ASASG works on behalf of xenarthrans by supporting field research, conservation measures and educational programs in their range countries. In addition, they provide technical support to rehabilitation centers and zoological institutions that care about, and care for, xenarthrans.

FIAA, in concert with Nurture by Nature (California), supports ASASG’s educational outreach program to raise youth awareness of the importance and uniqueness of Xenarthras, this special and ancient group of mammals occurring only in the Americas.

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Jungla Peumayen

A Biosphere Reserve of 3,300 hectares in the foothills of Nevados de Chillan, Nuble Region, Chile, Los Mallines is the habitat of the last population in central Chile of the only native Chilean deer, the huemul. Foundation Mallines is dedicated to preserving this habitat for native species of fauna, flora and fungi as well as an important biological corridor for huemul and a center for education about biodiversity.

FIAA, in support of this foundation’s important work, partnered with Jungla Peumayen on an expedition in November 2022 to install new trail cameras and monitor wildlife in the reserve.

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OBC Chinchimen

An organization based in Maitencillo-Punchuncavi, Region de Valparaiso, Chile, Chinchimen specializes in the conservation of Chilean otters known as chungungos (Lontra Felina) through community environmental education activities, scientific research and monitoring, legal activism and otter rescue, rehabilitation and release. They also do extensive beach conservation and cleanup with the local communities and do guided tours for bird watchers and wildlife observation, teaching tourists how otters as a keystone marine mammal species maintain the health of coastal ecosystems.

FIAA supports OBC Chinchimen through Namku Rehabilitation Center, where veterinary care is provided during the first stages of rescuing injured otters and orphaned baby otters. Furthermore, FIAA is working with Chinchimen to construct the first specialized otter rescue center in Chile.

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Reteti Elephant Sanctuary

Namunyak Wildlife Conservancy in Samburu County of Northern Kenya is home to the first community owned elephant sanctuary in Africa. The Reteti Elephant Sanctuary was officially opened by the Samburu County Governor, H.E Moses Lenolkulal, on the 20th August 2016. This is the result of a widely recognised and expanding grassroots movement of community driven conservation across northern Kenya; a movement that is growing new economies, transforming lives and conserving natural resources. The Sanctuary was established in response to demands from the local community. Designed to rescue and release orphaned and abandoned elephant calves back into the wild herds adjoining the Sanctuary, and creating much needed benefits to the local people that live alongside them, the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary represents communities standing up united for wildlife and the value that they cultivate.

FIAA is supporting Reteti, understanding that the orphaned elephants that are cared for by the Samburu community are symbols of a new wave of thinking about wildlife and the environment that goes far beyond traditional conservation methods, and dives deeper into the core value of what nature represents.

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National Service of Fish and Aquaculture of Chile, working under the Ministry of Economics, Development and Tourism, with the mission to “contribute to the sustainability of the sector and the protection of hydro-biological resources and their environment.”

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Tamandua Institute

This non-governmental organization specializing in Xenarthrans, with bases in Ilheus-Bahia, Delta del Parnaiba, Campo Grande, Brazil, has focussed on conservation of biodiversity, species monitoring and the search for new species for more than 16 years. Experts in both scientific research and in rescue and rehabilitation of anteaters, sloths and armadillos, they are well known for their international educational courses in Pantanal for young professionals in different areas of research, veterinary field medicine and conservation, and for projects such as FIAA-supported “Orphans of the Fire”. FIAA supports their Pantanal Workshop that prepares students and young professionals to work with wildlife in situ, considered one of the most comprehensive fieldwork courses in Latin America.

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Working together for the common good.

“Working with FIAA has become a great experience in how to collaborate with colleagues in a way in which the common good is the objective, in the example they have given us to go forward in spite of adversity, to not give up, in the unconditional support which we have felt for many years, not only as an institution but also as professionals. All this has marked my daily work. I have profound gratitude to FIAA, who from the beginning came not to say what we have to do, but to work together with us.”

Dr. Pablo Salah Jaar, DVM, Vice President Namku Foundation for Wildlife